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Oliver Cromwell 5:53 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
He's very open about being a grass aswell

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:51 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium

Oliver Cromwell 3:03 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium

Got Dicksie3 bang to rights their Cromwell, I met him and his waist size is equator.

Oliver Cromwell 5:43 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
So people prefer to hear lies then?


Oliver Cromwell 5:40 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium

I go where the action is

As saw v Tottenham we are fucking dead

ohgodno 5:40 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Herts Hammer 5:26 Thu Mar 31

He's trying a mix of character/concern trolling but doing neither well.

The hard man character is supposed to polarize us and make us either look like pussies or mindless chavs (a bit like how spurs fans characterize us). But its so badly done it's close to a stick-figure drawing in it's sophistication.

The concern trolling is pretty poor as it's not even close to hitting any exposed nerves or it's not telling in any way.

The truth is to troll properly you've got to make yourself laugh or other people laugh. Causing/perpetuating bizarre and funny arguments takes lots of skill. What this chap is doing is creating a whole persona, and using a lot of words, to backhandedly express his dislike of west ham. Fuck me he might as well just call us arseholes and move on with his life.

I'd bet he's a spurs fan. The lacklusterness and ineptitude give it away. They are the least useful people in London.

Side of Ham 5:32 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Shut it then....

Herts Hammer 5:26 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Effective trolling has to be believable and follow some form of logic.

Cromwall's pretence of being an ultra hard core old school West Ham support, disenfranchised with modern support is entirely betrayed by his suggestion that he *could* support Wall instead.

No true West Ham fan, whether old school, or nouveau, could ever (EVER) countenance changing allegiance to THEM. PERIOD.

To do so would be the ultimate betrayal. Not something a real supporter could ever do.

The only conclusion is that Cromwall is an utterly plastic football fan, who creates this illogical character to compensate for his own inadequacies and lack of intellect.

He'll now come back with something ultra witty like "Shut it you fat cunt". He'd be right in his description of me too. I am a fat cunt.

On The Ball 4:37 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Not sure what you twerps have done but this thread is classed as pornography at my work now.

ohgodno 4:35 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
whufcroe 4:24 Thu Mar 31

Sorry I missed it.

Still though given this places ability to turn any subject into a blood-feud you'd think we'd get a much better class of troll but we keep getting the same bloke, with different user names, plying the same shtick.

It's disappointing.

whufcroe 4:24 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
"Stirring up a hornets nest means you get stung. "

and that's my point

Harpo Marx 4:18 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Olive, You don't give a fuck about a club that you MIGHT go and support??? - You are a very strange troll indeed, Still 'Northern sold out' likes you!!.

ohgodno 3:57 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
whufcroe 3:54 Thu Mar 31

Against him though. He's a rubbish troll. The greats make a post and sit back and laugh their tits off.

Stirring up a hornets nest means you get stung. That's not trolling that's being a div. with a stick in front of a hornets nest.

whufcroe 3:54 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Oops Cromwell's just stirred up a Hornets nest......

ohgodno 3:52 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Mr Anon 2:45 Thu Mar 31

We really do deserve a better troll. This site can descend into chaos over the best side of a 2p piece (Tails) and he hasn't managed to kick off one funny argument or row.

There are better trolls on the Thomas the Tank Engine fan site.

23ad 3:37 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Anyone that doesn't celebrate wildly when west ham score will get a feckin slap

chav_corner 3:25 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Cromweell,I am sick of you slagging West Ham's fans down on this site.More so because your points are way off the mark or downright lies.PM. me and we will arrange to meet and have a 'chat' about this.
I can meet you against Palace,Arsenal,Man U,Swansea, Watford or Man.U.

Oliver Cromwell 3:24 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Don't support Millwall so don't give a fuck where they are

Might though

dicksie3 3:16 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Hahahahaha... You wanker, CromWALL.

What a dullard fist you are.

Mr Anon 3:05 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
And who are Millwall up with Cromwell? Doncaster? Obviously why you're on here all the time with your attempted "wind ups". Must really sting being so insignificant.

Oliver Cromwell 3:03 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
And you dicksie3 are a fucking grass and part of the click that has ruined a once great club

Live with that you fat cunt

Darby_ 3:02 Thu Mar 31
Re: Arsenal fans buying cheap season tickets at Olympic Stadium
Time to make a decisive break from West Ham, Crommers. Millwall are playing down at Colchester on the weekend.

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